Sunday, November 8, 2020

Mind To Heart

I don't know who you are... Am I the patron strolling through your exhibition?

As I start reflecting on my stories... Every thing is perfect. The perfect romance, the perfect comedy, the perfect tragedy, the perfect life. There is no one perfect, they are all perfect. If not at the moment, at the very end when you know you have no more time left, you reflect back and you realize it was you no matter the story. So why not accept it while you have the time to appreciate it.

I do not know who you are. I do not know what I should do. I do not even see the choices any more. I am lost in the exhibition...just appreciating every pulse I am allowed spend in this exhibition 


In the moment I am the artist. Making decisions to the best of my knowledge. Concurrently, I am the patron, judging myself, reliving those decisions. "The thinking self looking at the acting self". "The mind reasoning the heart". A quote from French philosopher Blaise Pascal "The heart has reasons of which reason knows nothing". It's important that we don't get stuck thinking about how to perfect the future or the past. But that we keep trying. Perfect is made from effort. It's about trusting yourself, and letting your mind be the patron that is lost and just experiencing in faith, enjoying every moment.

We tend to think of perfect as "being happy and successful". It's so easy to start living in your head trying to think of the perfect way to get to that "ideal" vision and never really moving. Or moving and then halting because things didn't go as you envisioned. It's important to keep leaning into the experience. It's about learning that there is no one perfect.

And the proof is all around us, we just listen more to the one that says perfect is being successful and happy. But that's not the case, perfect has nothing to do with success or happy. If you run a story long enough there will be ups and downs. Every story is perfect if you run it long enough. Romeo and Juliet, Titanic, Charlie Chaplin, Mona Lisa, The Sistine Chapel, Dante's inferno... Hundreds of other things where the ending isn't what you would label as happy or successful. But their stories were for sure perfect. "the perfect romance, the perfect comedy, the perfect tragedy". Our challenge is to find happiness in all of these perfect experiences.

You will never know if you picked the right person/path. There is no complete math for it and your gut isn't reliable. You don't ever get to know if you picked right. You just get the results. You get your life. In life, you have to take the plunge without knowing.

I am the subject and I am the patron. Learning how to paint into existence what I envision. But know now even if it doesn't come out how I envisioned, it is still perfect. Because there isn't just one type of perfect.

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